Mad Men’s Bryan Batt Speculates On What Happened To Sal Romano

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Mad Men’s Bryan Batt Speculates On What Happened To Sal Romano

gallery-1431545260-mad-men-01x02-ladies-room-05I’ve thought about where Sal wound up. On Mad Men, what you think is going to happen doesn’t happen, but what does happen is wonderful in a sad way. It’s never really a happy ending. But I’d like to think that Sal had a happy ending, that he does realize who he is and moves on. Unfortunately he’d have to break little Kitty’s heart, but I think she had the clues by the end of the third season. I think his mother dies too. His Italian mother dies and it was an impetus to go, ‘You know what? I’m pretending for you, for all these other people. I’m going to be who I am.’ I imagine him walking through the West Village as Stonewall happens and getting swept up in it.”


Bryan Batt writing in Esquire to close the book on his character, closeted art director Sal Romano, who was written out of Mad Men during the third season 

Jeremy Kinser

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