Linda Harvey Compares Anti-Bullying Campaigns To Sexual Abuse

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Linda Harvey Compares Anti-Bullying Campaigns To Sexual Abuse

linda_harvey_a_4It’s no surprise that Mission America’s always-delightful Linda Harvey had some particularly harsh words for the anti-bullying crusades cheered this week by GLSEN and the It Gets Better campaign, Right Wing Watch reports.

In her latest article for the fervently right-wing publication WorldNetDaily, Harvey writes that “GLSEN will not only poison the minds and injure the bodies of those children who can be tragically persuaded to identify as ‘LGBTQ,’ but they want to sweep the larger population of children into this cesspool as well.”

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She also feels those rainbow-colored Doritos chips — which helps raise funds for It Gets Better — will “send vulnerable American youth down self-destructive roads.”

Here’s a colorful excerpt:

“Deviant Doritos are just more moral junk food being offered to brainwashed kids and the adults guiding them… We should be exposing this phony-baloney ‘outreach’ to kids, not enabling it. If Satan had literally been recruited as a consultant on this project, it could not get any worse. In his eyes, it only gets better.”

America has become desensitized to sexual abuse of the children we have a duty to protect. Many Americans are now comfortable with – or indifferent to – the normalization and whitewashing of child corruption. Here are some recent examples I hope stir some minds and hearts.

Example No. 1: A full-page ad appeared in USA Today on Sept. 23 from a group that has grown in power even as its message, at its core, has become more radical and child-endangering.

GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network, ran the ad to encourage support for its “Ally Week” ( Sept. 28- Oct. 2) with the headline, “Respect My Pronouns.”

By cleaning up sodomy to seem child-friendly, GLSEN will not only poison the minds and injure the bodies of those children who can be tragically persuaded to identify as “LGBTQ,” but they want to sweep the larger population of children into this cesspool as well – and call it “being an ally.”

You are a compassionate hipster teen, not an ignorant bigot, if you come alongside this movement, even if what you think you are seeing is ugly and degrading. Look over there! Nothing to see here, except an unimpeachable “anti-bullying” campaign.

Same with parents who desperately want to intervene, but are dissuaded by the leftist regimes controlling most schools. Children are indoctrinated with one viewpoint: Never listen to ex-homosexuals (“They’re all fakes!”) or to Christians, or even to the brave teacher or coach who may want to provide sound guidance and warnings.

Online “LGBT” networks bypass parents and schools to reach even 11- and 12-year-olds, so there are now thousands of American adolescents who join the school “gay-straight alliances” without parental knowledge, hang out at “gay pride” parades, or frequent the homosexual community youth clubs with older homosexual volunteers….

By donating Dorito profits to support the Savage-inspired “It Gets Better” project, they help to send vulnerable American youth down self-destructive roads, all in the name of – wait for it – preventing self-destruction.

Deviant Doritos are just more moral junk food being offered to brainwashed kids and the adults guiding them. We should be exposing this phony-baloney “outreach” to kids, not enabling it. If Satan had literally been recruited as a consultant on this project, it could not get any worse. In his eyes, it only gets better.

Jeremy Kinser

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