#LimitlessAfricans: Olave

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#LimitlessAfricans: Olave

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#LimitlessAfricans: Olave

#LimitlessAfricans, Olave: Non-binary Trans Femme Burundian (Shot in Rotterdam, Netherlands)

Q. What would you have to say to people who say that being LGBTQ is “un-African”?

“That it is a lie. That “African”-ness cannot mean outside of human experience, conduct and existence. That as we develop and root ourselves in “African”-ness, we should imagine it as spacious and inclusive. That we do ourselves a disservice, that we lose real wealth in diversity, if “African” is going to mean restrictive, exclusive and oppressive. LGBTQIA people have always existed, have always been part of the lived realities, the cultural and spiritual space of all cultures, philosophies and traditions on the continent. They have been healers, leaders, outcasts and at times not particularly interesting. They have, and do, and we will continue to be. It is “un-African” to erase them (our shared ancestors), to exclude us (your siblings, neighbors, lovers, friends and parents) and those to come (our children, our legacy, our hope). “


#LimitlessAfricans: Olave

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