LGBTQ Groups Call For Unity in the Wake of Orlando Shooting

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LGBTQ Groups Call For Unity in the Wake of Orlando Shooting

Today, HRC joined over 50 other LGBTQ groups from across the country to call for unity following yesterday’s tragic shooting in Orlando.

“This national tragedy happened against the backdrop of anti-LGBTQ legislation sweeping this country and we must not forget that in this time of grief. Unity and an organized response in the face of hatred is what we owe the fallen and the grieving. Collective resolve across national, racial and political lines will be required to turn the tide against anti-LGBTQ violence,” they wrote. “Our response to this horrific act, committed by one individual, will have a deep impact on Muslim communities in this country and around the world. We as an intersectional movement cannot allow anti-Muslim sentiment to be the focal point as it distracts from the larger issue, which is the epidemic of violence that LGBTQ people, including those in the Muslim community, are facing in this country.”

The horrific attack occurred during Latin Night at the LGBTQ-nightclub, Pulse. Forty-nine people died and 53 others were injured.

The letter was also published in Arabic, French and Spanish.

To learn more about how you can help in the wake of the shooting, click here.

We the undersigned organizations working on the front lines of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) movement share in the profound grief for those who were killed and many more who were wounded during Latin Night at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida. Their lives were lost or forever altered in this devastating act of violence targeting LGBTQ people. Our hearts go out to all the family and friends touched by this horrific act. We know their lives will never be the same again.

Nous, les organisations signataires placées en premières lignes du mouvement mondial des personnes lesbiennes, gays, bisexuels, transgenres et queer (LGBTQ) partageons l’immense chagrin des familles de ceux qui ont été tués et des nombreux autres qui ont été blessés pendant dans la boîte de nuit Pulse à Orlando, en Floride. Les vies de ces personnes ont été fauchées ou bouleversées inexorablement lors de cette tragédie ciblant la communauté LGBTQ. Nos pensées accompagnent les familles et amis frappés par cet acte odieux. Nous savons que leurs vies ne seront plus jamais les mêmes.

Las firmantes organizaciones al frente del movimiento de personas lesbianas, gays, bisexuales, transgénero e intersexuales (LGBTQ) compartimos el profundo dolor de los muertos y los numerosos heridos durante la Noche Latina, celebrada en el club Pulse en Orlando, Florida. En este acto devastador de violencia que afectó a las personas LGBTQ se perdieron o se perjudicaron vidas por siempre. Nuestros corazones están con las familias y los amigos afectados por este horrendo crimen. Sabemos que sus vidas nunca volverán a ser las mismas.

Unity Letter in Arabic

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