Lance Bass Says He Was “Inappropriately Touched” As A Teenager
Lance Bass is opening up about being “inappropriately touched” by an older male back when he was a member of ‘NSYNC.
“When I was 16, 17,” Bass said on his Sirius XM radio show Dirty Pop, “someone we worked with definitely was touching me inappropriately.”
He continued, “I even knew at 16 and 17 that, you know, this isn’t right. No man should be, like, touching a teenager like this.”
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Bass, who did not reveal the identity of the man, claimed the older guy would “find ways” to touch him, usually by offering massages.
“He always did the whole thing, like, ‘Oh yeah, if I massage your bicep like this, it will look better,’ ” he recalled.
But he maintains he was not molested.
“There was nothing more than inappropriate touching,” he said.
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Bass went on to say that ultimately he “felt bad” for the man, who he believes was a pedophile.
“I kind of felt for the guy at the time because, one, I was in the closet and obviously this guy, probably, was in the closet,” he said. “I always felt bad. Like, aww this guy is just a sad person.”
“This is a serious thing, sexual harassment,” he concluded, “but I was lucky enough to be smart about it and just be aware.”
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Graham Gremore
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