Kids Of Gay Dads Are Perfectly Well-Adjusted, Thank You Very Much

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Kids Of Gay Dads Are Perfectly Well-Adjusted, Thank You Very Much


It turns out, the kids of gay dads are alright!

In news that is sure to get the heads of homophobes spinning like Linda Blair’s in The Exorcist, a new study has proven that kids of gay parents are just as happy and well-adjusted as kids of straight parents.

Medical Daily has all the details on new research that’s dropping at the annual Pediatric Academic Societies meeting this week:

This latest study, led by scientists from Boston’s Tufts University and affiliated medical center, looked at gay fathers raising children under the age of 18. They elicited online survey responses from 732 gay fathers across 47 states on a variety of questions concerning why they chose to be parents, how they raised their children, and whether their families experienced any stigma or discrimination.

Comparing their answers to those obtained from an earlier survey of straight fathers, the researchers found no difference in the frequency of self-reported parenting activities, like reading to their children or going on outings. Similarly, 88 percent of gay fathers disagreed that their children were unhappy, compared to 87 percent of straight fathers; and 72 percent reported that their kids didn’t “worry a lot” versus 75 percent of straight fathers.

Unfortunately, gay parents and their children still face stigma:

…nearly a third reported feeling stigmatized for their decision to raise children, oftentimes from their own families. And a similar percentage said their children experienced stigma as well, though mostly from friends and religious institutions instead.

It’s fairly interesting stuff. We recommend you read the article and the study further, especially if you’re thinking about having little ones someday yourself.

We hope gay parents continue to be open and break through these barriers so that one day having two dads or two moms will be stigma free for all involved.

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