Kellyanne’s latest humiliating interview will almost make you feel bad for her. Almost.
“Kellyanne, that’s makes no sense!”
That’s not the title of a Johnny Cash deep cut; it’s how Matt Lauer capped his interview with Kellyanne Conway on The Today Show this morning.
As Lauer attempted to eke out a coherent timeline regarding Michael Flynn’s fallout with Trump, Conway kept iterating that Flynn had Trump’s full support.
Lauer prods her:
So had he not resigned the president would have continued with him as National Security Advisor even though he misled the Vice President and the administration about the contents of that call?
Conway’s vague reply: “That fact is what became unsustainable…I think misleading the Vice President really was the key here.”
Related: Hilarious Kellyanne Conway “buy Ivanka’s stuff” memes are blowing up the Internet
So Lauer backs her into a corner:
So wait a minute – you’re saying that was the straw that broke the camel’s back but the White House knew about that last month when the Justice Department warned the White House that Mr. Flynn…had not been completely honest in characterizing that conversation with the Russian Ambassador. They even went further to say as a result of that dishonesty, he was at risk of blackmailing by the Russians.
Conway responds:
That’s one characterization, but the fact is that General Flynn continued in that position and was in the presidential daily briefings, was part of the leader calls, as recently as yesterday.
Bringing us back to the mantra:
“Kellyanne, that makes no sense!”
“That makes no sense.” @MLauer to @KellyannePolls while discussing Trump’s former national security adviser Michael Flynn
— TODAY (@TODAYshow) February 14, 2017
h/t: Occupy Democrats
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