Kate McKinnon Reveals Which Alien-Investigating Celeb Made Her Realize She’s Gay

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Kate McKinnon Reveals Which Alien-Investigating Celeb Made Her Realize She’s Gay

kate mckinnon

Here we have the fabulous Kate McKinnon, whom all sensible people adore, doing an outstanding interview with Julie Goldman. They discuss a number of amazing topics, but our favorite is the revelation that Gillian Anderson was the source of her lesbian awakening — and that her mother was completely understanding.

“I figured it out by watching the X-Files and noticing my physiological reaction to it,” Kate says. “I thought it was a product of David Duchovny’s face but it was Gillian Anderson who still is the queen of my heart. So I knew then. I told some of my friends, eventually I found my mother. She found me crying and said ‘what’s wrong?’ And I said ‘I think I’m gay’ … and she said ‘fine. Love it. Whatever you want to be.’”

She also addresses any doubts about whether or not she’s queer: “I think that it’s so apparent that I am [a lesbian] but apparently not. I dunno. I think that I comport myself in a kind of lezzo way. … I am a hundred percent lez. Have not seen a human penis.”

And then there is the detail of her first makeout with another lady, which sounds as fumbling and adorable as any we can think of: “We went up to a room. We made out for 8 hours. And I wore my retainer the entire time. Did not occur to me to take it out.” The woman in question, Kate reports, is no longer interested in making out with girls … possibly because of that retainer experience.



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