Justice Kennedy’s Male Lover Blackmailed Him To Vote For Marriage Equality, Semen Latte Pastor Says

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Justice Kennedy’s Male Lover Blackmailed Him To Vote For Marriage Equality, Semen Latte Pastor Says

justicekennedyWas Justice Anthony Kennedy blackmailed by his secret lover into voting in favor of marriage equality? According to antigay “semen latte” pastor James David Manning, yes. A million times yes!

While speaking with Rick Wiles at Trunews about “Obama’s satanic assault on America’s morality,” Manning veered somewhat off topic into la-la land to discuss the recent Supreme Court marriage ruling, arguing that “the Devil himself has written this opinion!”, meaning, apparently, the conservative Catholic Justice Kennedy.

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“Perhaps Kennedy and many of those who are on the Supreme Court have had sodomite relations themselves,” Manning hypothesized, before suggesting the Justices were being blackmailed by their secret gay lovers: “They have got to support this sodomy, they’ve got to say it or otherwise they get exposed!

Manning issued a warning to Americans: “Fifty years from now people will look back at this period and say, ‘My God from Zion, how could a nation have fallen, how could the mighty have fallen so quickly and so far and so low?”

“If,” Wiles added, “there’s anybody still alive in the United States of America 50 years from now!”

Related: Someone Sent The Antigay “Semen Latte” Pastor A Giant Bucket Of Poop. Yes, Poop.

Wiles then suggested that the United States is “ripe to be overthrown” since “we no longer have the Lord’s protection” and “the Lord is no longer obligated to defend the United States of America,” which means “there’s a great attitude adjustment coming to the United States very, very soon!”

What do you think? Is Justice Kennedy a victim of blackmail? And will the United States be overthrown sometime in the next 50 years now that marriage equality is the law of the land?

Sound off in comments below.

h/t: Right Wing Watch

Graham Gremore


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