John Paul Stevens, John Lewis, Hustlers, Twinkies, MAGA Wedding, Chris Pratt, Neuralink, Kathy Griffin: HOT LINKS
RIP. Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens dies at 99. “John Paul Stevens, whose 35 years on the United States Supreme Court transformed him, improbably, from a Republican antitrust lawyer into the outspoken leader of the court’s liberal wing, died on Tuesday at a hospital in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. “
RIGHTEOUS INDIGNATION. John Lewis rises to speak in in support of resolution condemning Trump’s tweets.
“I know racism when I see it. I know racism when I feel it. And at the highest level of government, there’s no room for racism.”
WATCH: Rep. John Lewis’s emotional House Floor speech in support of resolution condemning President Trump’s tweets.
— The Hill (@thehill) July 17, 2019
DIABETES FUEL. Sugar rush: “Twinkies cereal, which looks like a cross between fried maggots and uncut penises, may be coming soon…”
ARTICLES OF IMPEACHMENT. House to vote on whether to consider…. “The move, forced by a Democratic lawmaker from Texas who used a procedural mechanism that required action within two days, is unlikely to succeed. Speaker Nancy Pelosi has long opposed efforts to immediately begin impeachment proceedings against Trump and confirmed she would not support Green’s resolution.”
MAXED OUT. Buttigieg’s celeb support robust…
NIGHTMARE FUEL. A MAGA-themed wedding. “It looked like America threw up all over my wedding and I’m not sorry.”
PREMEDITATED RACISM. A central tenet of Trump’s campaign: “Trump sees the four progressive women in The Squad as perfect foils until he gets a Democratic nominee to run against.”
FRANKLIN GRAHAM. U.S. may never recover from Equality Act: “This legislation will have catastrophic consequences for competitive sports, along with churches and faith-based nonprofits who would lose all protections to hire people who adhere to their Biblical statements of faith. Christians will be persecuted for their sincerely held beliefs as never before. The clear teachings of the Bible on the sins of homosexuality and abortion will no doubt be considered “hate speech.” It will be a nightmare from which this nation may never recover.”
IMPROV OF THE DAY. Comic plays on as the California earthquake hits.
KIM JONG UN. How he got his luxury bulletproof Mercedes around sanctions.
KATHY GRIFFIN. “Andy Cohen treated me like a dog.“
NEURALINK. Elon Musk hopes to put sensors in human brains (livestream begins at 1:30.
DON’T TREAD ON ME. Fans aren’t happy about Chris Pratt’s t-shirt.
TRAILER OF THE DAY. “Hustlers” starring Jennifer Lopez.
MUSIC VIDEO OF THE DAY. Beyonce “Spirit”.
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