Jeff Sessions, Chechnya, Liberal Redneck, Barry Manilow, Jake Shears, Rob Lowe, Barack Obama: HOT LINKS
LIBERAL REDNECK. “Nothing gets the thick syrupy blood flowing to [Trump’s] base’s freedom boner quite like a war.”
THEY STARVE YOU. THEY SHOCK YOU. More stories from inside the gay camps in Chechnya.
JEFF SESSIONS. WTF quote about the judge in Hawaii blocking Trump’s Muslim ban: “I really am amazed that a judge sitting on an island in the Pacific can issue an order that stops the President of the United States from what appears to be clearly his statutory and Constitutional power.”
NO REGRETS. Jeff Sessions ain’t sorry: “I wasn’t criticizing the judge or the island,” he told CNN’s Kate Bolduan on “At This Hour.” “I think it’s a fabulous place and had a granddaughter born there.”
JUICERO. Investors disappointed to learn that high-tech juicer is basically a $400 bag squeezer.
OBAMA. University of Chicago to host first public event for former president: “Obama and young leaders will hold a conversation on civic engagement and discuss community organizing at the university’s Logan Center for the Arts, his office announced Friday. Hundreds of people are expected to attend, chosen from area universities that were given tickets for distribution, said Kevin Lewis, a spokesman for the former president. About six young people will appear on stage with him for the 11 a.m. discussion, Lewis said.”
THE FIRST TOUR. Tickets for Jake Shears solo tour go on sale.
SO OLD AND SO HOT. Ryan Phillippe responds to questioning fan.
ZAC EFRON. He’s ready to settle down: “I didn’t think much about settling down until recently. Now that I’m getting closer to my 30s, I’m around some great relationships and I’ve seen expert couples at work. I’m realizing that you have to find your own happiness before you can make somebody else happy.”
MANILOW. Barry talks about why he stayed silent about his sexual orientation for so long.
ROB LOWE. The new Colonel Sanders:
FRIDAY FLASH. Note Prompapan.
The post Jeff Sessions, Chechnya, Liberal Redneck, Barry Manilow, Jake Shears, Rob Lowe, Barack Obama: HOT LINKS appeared first on Towleroad.
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