J.K. Rowling Has The Perfect Spell To Cast Off A Homophobic Hater

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J.K. Rowling Has The Perfect Spell To Cast Off A Homophobic Hater

114839_jkrowlingpotterbook2700x325_principalHarry Potter author and gazillionaire J.K. Rowling doesn’t take to Twitter often, but she had the perfect response to one homophobic hater.

This weekend, one “Frank Fraticelli” posted this nugget of information:

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Showing good form, Rowling hit back with this:

@halfelven55ff I advise you to start following Brian Souter at once. He’s much more your kind of person.

— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) September 6, 2014

Brian Souter is Scotland’s richest businessman who also has a history of funding antigay legislation, though he and Rowling are currently fueling opposite sides of the Scottish independence debate. Rowling has taken her fair share of flack for donating a million pounds to the Better Together campaign for Scotland to stay in the United Kingdom. Souter has donated the same amount to Scottish independence.

Rowling’s response was retweeted over thirteen hundred times, and she offered this message of thanks:

I want to thank all the people tweeting me lovely messages. Don’t worry about me – to paraphrase Albus Dumbledore… — J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) September 6, 2014

Following up with:

If you’re waiting for universal popularity, you’ll be on Twitter a VERY long time. xxxx

— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) September 6, 2014

And it looks like a little public shaming from the author goes a long way. Frank’s Twitter account has since been deleted. He’s quoted as posting, “I made a comment about JKR + her homosexual wizard and my twitter account exploded,” he wrote. “EXCUSE ME for NOT accepting that deviant lifestyle lol.”

Dan Tracer


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