Irish phone provider slammed over transphobic advert

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Irish phone provider slammed over transphobic advert

The Irish branch of an international telecommunications provider has been accused of transphobia over parts of their new advertising campaign.

Three Ireland received hundreds of messages on Twitter and Facebook after a user spotted the new poster in the Dublin neighborhood of Stoneybatter.

‘Sorry Vodafone customers,’ the poster reads.

‘It turned out he was a she after you’d used all your data.’


Hi @ThreeCare. Can someone explain this ad in Stoneybatter? Certainly insensitive, possibly transphobic, not okay.

— Luke Field (@LukePField) July 15, 2015

Users accused Three of considering trans people to be ‘a cheap joke’ and described the tweet as ‘insensitive’ and ‘disgusting’, with a user going by the alias demolitionl0ver saying ‘if the “best bit” of something is a trans person as a punchline, it shouldn’t be the best bit.’

Three’s social media staff were quick to react on both Twitter and Facebook, sending out apologies and explanations of the campaign’s intention to users who commented or complained about the ad.

‘The wider campaign gives examples of when you miss the best bits of TV/fulms while you’re streaming, because you’ve run out of data,’ Sheena, one of Three’s twitter team, said to various users.

‘We hope this explains the concept and shows that no offence was intended at all.’

But when users continued complaining about the advert, Three decided to completely remove the offensive poster from the campaign.

‘After reviewing the feedback we’ve decided this ad will be removed,’ the social media team told users from about 6pm local time.

‘It wasn’t our attention to cause any offence.’

At the time this goes live, no official statement had been given.

The post Irish phone provider slammed over transphobic advert appeared first on Gay Star News.

Stefanie Gerdes

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