Irish Marriage Vs. American Marriage

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Irish Marriage Vs. American Marriage

Jedward-Launch-SPAR-Great-Ireland-Run-MAX11Congratulations to Ireland, the first country in the world to legalize marriage equality by a popular vote! Well, kind of — it hasn’t been legalized yet.

Voters overwhelming supported marriage equality in a referendum last week, but now legislators have to draft a constitutional amendment to reflect the vote. That should happen sometime this summer, and then the order will be signed before the end of the year.

Related Post: Five Reasons Ireland’s Approval Of Marriage Equality Will Matter In The U.S.

So, what does that mean for the U.S.? Well, it means that now Ireland and America are in a race for marriage to start. We’ll get a ruling from the Supreme Court in June, and if it’s favorable, then marriage could start sometime in the next few months. But if it’s unfavorable, it could take a decade or more to undo.

Also this week: a new survey from Gallup shows marriage support continuing to rise. No big surprises here, though the jump is big: we’re up seven percentage points in the last year. This is about where Ireland was just a few years ago.

matt baume

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