Introducing Wankband: The Wearable Designed To Help You Stay Charged – WATCH
One of greater hurdles facing most pieces of tech these days is battery life. You’ve been there–out on the town, heading to a bar or friend’s place, only to realize that your phone is on the brink of death with little to no chance of making it through the rest of the night. What if, you’ve undoubtedly thought to yourself, there was a way that you could charge your devices on the go? What if there was a way to harness the kinetic energy of your body’s movement to charge your smart watch in the same way that you charge your everyday wristwatch?
Soon there will be with the…provocatively named WankBand. As you might have surmised from its name the WankBand is a small wearable device that generates an electric charge while you’re…being vigorously celibate. As Caity Weaver points out writing for Gizmodo, it’s questionable just how much energy one might be able to produce while using their shake weights or mixing martinis. But then again, you’d be surprised what you can accomplish with a little bit of elbow grease and determination.
Check out the first (totally legitimate and mostly SFW) ad for the WankBand AFTER THE JUMP…
Charles Pulliam-Moore
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