HRC: Senator Collins’ Deeply Disappointing Vote Will Have Long Lasting Consequences for Millions

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HRC: Senator Collins’ Deeply Disappointing Vote Will Have Long Lasting Consequences for Millions

Today, HRC responded to the news that Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) intends to vote for Brett Kavanaugh to be confirmed to the Supreme Court of the United States.

“We are deeply disappointed in Senator Collins today. In one of the most consequential votes of her lifetime — and of her constituents’ lifetimes — she has opted to back a dangerous, unqualified nominee who repeatedly lied under oath and has multiple credible allegations of sexual assault,” said HRC President Chad Griffin. “The harmful consequences of Senator Collins’ decision to support Brett Kavanaugh will last decades. In the wake of this news, there is only one course of action. The millions of Americans who have fought a valiant struggle against this despicable nominee must make their voices heard in November and beyond by electing lawmakers who will stand up for our rights rather than sell us out.”

The Human Rights Campaign and its members have been fighting back against this nomination since day one:

  • HRC has mobilized thousands of people to dozens of rallies in Washington, DC and across the nation. This morning, HRC President Chad Griffin and HRC staff joined the #PeoplesFilibuster and broadcast the stories of dozens of HRC members who fear for their civil rights and for what Kavanaugh’s nomination means for sexual assault survivors across the nation.
  • HRC has taken out two flights of ads in Maine, Alaska, Nevada and Colorado with coalition partners calling on Senators to vote no on Kavanaugh’s nomination.
  • In August, HRC joined partner coalition organizations in calling on Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley to order the release of millions of documents in the National Archives and George W. Bush Presidential Library related to the career of Brett Kavanaugh, a standard practice for Supreme Court nominees. This was ignored by Chairman Grassley, Senate Republicans and the White House.
  • HRC released a video and report explaining why understanding Kavanaugh’s record at the White House is important; during these years, former President George W. Bush pressed for a constitutional amendment banning same-sex couples from marrying and opposed hate crimes legislation.
  • HRC has released stories of real Maine and Alaska residents threatened by Kavanaugh’s nomination.
  • More than 54,000 HRC members have called their Senators to object to Kavanaugh’s nomination, including more than 15,000 calls today alone.

With just one month until Election Day, HRC has deployed 140 staff to 70 key Congressional races to mobilize more than 10 million LGBTQ voters and 52 million “Equality Voters” to #TurnOUT in November.

Supporters in any state can text “VOTER” to 30644 to verify their voter registration, find their polling place and receive election reminders. For more information on how to get involved, sign up to volunteer, or join an advocacy training, visit HRC’s Equality Voter Action Center.

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