HRC Reiterates Opposition to Trump-Pence’s Anti-LGBTQ Nominee L. Steven Grasz
Last month, HRC opposed the nomination of L. Steven Grasz to the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit based on his long public track record of opposing equality for LGBTQ people. With a procedural vote on his nomination scheduled for today, HRC is again calling on the U.S. Senate to reject this dangerous nominee.
“L. Steven Grasz stands out as a Trump-Pence judicial nominee with a poor record of promoting harmful anti-LGBTQ policies and rhetoric,” said HRC Government Affairs Director David Stacy. “If confirmed to a lifetime judicial appointment, Grasz’s extreme rhetoric and inability to be an impartial adjudicator would undermine our justice system and threaten thousands of LGBTQ people who look to our courts to affirm their civil rights. The Senate should reject this nominee and stop the Trump-Pence administration’s crusade to stack our courts with extreme anti-equality judges.”
L. Steven Grasz served on the board of a non-profit that backed the abusive practice of conversion therapy on LGBTQ minors and was unwilling to clarify his own views during his confirmation hearing. Grasz said that language protecting people on the basis of “sexual orientation” opened the door for protections for pedophiles and argued Nebraska should not recognize marriage equality in other states. Grasz also opposed allowing same-sex parents to adopt. The American Bar Association has deemed Grasz unqualified to serve in the position Trump has nominated him for.
In less than one year, the Trump-Pence Administration has unleashed a torrent of attacks on the LGBTQ community and undermined the rights of millions of Americans. Through rollbacks, rescissions, and re-interpretations, Donald Trump and Mike Pence have systematically and meticulously eroded years of progress and protections. What’s more, Trump and Pence have appointed and nominated scores of extreme and unqualified anti-LGBTQ officials to crucial agencies and court benches — some of whom will serve lifetime appointments. Last month, HRC aimed a bright spotlight on five federal judicial nominees — Jeff Mateer, Damien Schiff, L. Steven Grasz, Mark Norris, and Stephen Schwartz. If confirmed by the Senate, the nominees could seriously threaten the future of LGBTQ equality in America.
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