HRC Publishes Its Tone-Deaf, Annual Corporate Equality Index

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HRC Publishes Its Tone-Deaf, Annual Corporate Equality Index

Screenshot 2014-12-23 00.42.12

It’s the most listicle time of the year, which is to say that it’s the holiday season and publications across the internet are putting out end of the year lists (we’ve got a couple of great ones here, here, and here.) Never one to miss out on a party, the Human Rights Campaign has published its annual Corporate Equality Index, a roundup of the “Best Places to Work for LGBT Equality.”

One might assume, given the somewhat odd naming, that the list would focus on companies working to further LGBT equality. One would be wrong. Rather, the CEI is a choice selection of large companies with fairly strict non-discrimination policies on the books. The problem, as Jordan Kreuger explains in the Huffington Post, is that the index is more or less an exercise in tone deaf corporate nonsense:

“There’s no consideration of the larger picture of a corporation’s actions, its misdeeds, or how working for a company on this list oftentimes means working directly for, or closely with, enemies of equality.”

Abercrombie & Fitch, Comcast, and Chevron all made the list. It doesn’t take the most media-conscious person to know that none of these companies has the strongest of track records when it comes to being objectively “good.”

Charles Pulliam-Moore

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