HRC Mississippi Hosts First Interfaith Symposium

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HRC Mississippi Hosts First Interfaith Symposium

Post submitted by Daniel Ball, HRC Mississippi Faith Organizer

On Friday, September 30, HRC Mississippi–in partnership with Millsaps College–hosted its first interfaith symposium. Entitled Brave Spaces, this event united faith leaders and civil rights advocates to discuss how to create a truly intersectional social justice movement by addressing issues that span religion, race, gender identity and sexual orientation.

The Right Reverend Bishop Brian Seage, presiding bishop of the Mississippi Episcopal Diocese, delivered the opening address and Rabbi Jeremy Simons, the Institute of Southern Jewish Life, gave a “Call to Action,” challenging our attendees to mobilize their communities to do more, be more and grow more with our LGBTQ brothers and sisters. We were also honored to have a spectrum of community and faith organizations represented.

This was an important opportunity for attendees to hear faith leaders discuss their journeys through faith and how it has shaped their understanding and acceptance of LGBTQ people. They also participated in workshops on the importance of building interpersonal relationships with LGBTQ people both within and outside of their faith communities.

The Interfaith symposium is the very first event of its kind in Mississippi. We hope that Mississippians will continue to learn and grow in unison so that we can continue to have events similar to Brave Spaces to change hearts and minds across the great state of Mississippi.

For those who are exploring a new spiritual home, thinking about reconnecting to a religious tradition or to live more fully within it, please read our Faith Positions on LGBTQ Equality and our guide, Coming Home: To Faith, To Spirit, to Self.

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