HRC, Equality Florida, and SAVE Endorse Andrew Gillum for Governor of Florida

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HRC, Equality Florida, and SAVE Endorse Andrew Gillum for Governor of Florida

HRC joined with Equality Florida, the largest civil rights organization working to secure full equality for Florida’s LGBTQ community, and SAVE, South Florida’s foremost advocate for the LGBTQ community, in announcing their endorsement of Andrew Gillum (D) in his bid to become the next governor of Florida.

HRC President Chad Griffin, Equality Florida Executive Director and CEO Nadine Smith, and SAVE Executive Director Tony Lima joined Gillum and other key leaders and allies for a rally in Miami to announce the endorsement and speak about the importance of the race for LGBTQ and allied Floridians.

“The stakes this election couldn’t be higher, and the choice for Florida voters couldn’t be clearer,” said HRC President Chad Griffin. “HRC is proud to endorse Andrew Gillum’s campaign to become the next governor of Florida because he is a proven pro-equality leader who will represent all Floridians — not just those who look a certain way, speak a certain way, or love a certain way. As we mobilize the millions of Equality Voters across Florida, we look forward to working with Andrew Gillum as governor to chart a new path forward for the Sunshine State.”

“Andrew Gillum is a longtime champion for LGBT Floridians and his election will be a game-changer for equality in our state,” said Nadine Smith, CEO of Equality Florida. “This week, Equality Florida Action PAC is launching the largest LGBT campaign ever in a Florida gubernatorial race. Of the millions of pro-equality supporters in Florida, we are targeting nearly 500,000 for whom LGBT equality is a litmus test issue. We will use direct mail, calls and digital outreach to reach unlikely voters and show the stark contrast between the candidates. Ron Desantis has embraced the anti-LGBT extremist agenda of Donald Trump, and Gillum stands with us to protect marriage equality and secure statewide nondiscrimination protections. In Florida, elections are won or lost by 100,000 voters or less. We intend to deliver that margin for our champion, Andrew Gillum.”

“SAVE’s strong bilingual field work will be instrumental in assuring a win for Andrew Gillum, especially because of our legacy of consistent and effective outreach in traditionally conservative and Spanish speaking communities,” said SAVE Executive Director Tony Lima. “Mayor Gillum’s proven pro-equality track record will continue to advance equality and equal treatment in Florida and SAVE vows to engage all available resources to help make him our next Governor.”

“I am proud to have the support of the Human Rights Campaign, Equality Florida, and SAVE — organizations that have led the way in fighting for equality and advocating for the LGBTQ community in Florida and across the country,” said Mayor Gillum. “As mayor, I’ve stood up for the LGBTQ community and demanded equal rights when others refused. As governor, I will continue to fight to ensure that Florida is a welcoming place for all people, where everyone receives the rights and respect they deserve.”

Throughout his public service career, Mayor Andrew Gillum has proven to be a staunch advocate for Florida’s LGBTQ community. Before marriage equality was the law of the land nationwide, Gillum fought to expand domestic partner benefits for city employees as City Commissioner. As Mayor of Tallahassee, Gillum strongly opposed efforts to undermine marriage equality by extending invitations to Florida same-sex couples to marry in the state capital. He will continue to be a leader in the fight to advance full equality for LGBTQ Floridians and make LGBTQ equality a priority as governor. Gillum has also pledged to install an interagency LGBTQ task force and sign the Competitive Workforce Act — legislation that would extend critically important non-discrimination protections to LGBTQ people across the Sunshine State.

Gillum is running against anti-LGBTQ Ron DeSantis (R). DeSantis has eagerly embraced the rhetoric and anti-LGBTQ attacks of the Trump-Pence Administration. He has consistently scored abysmally on HRC’s Congressional Scorecard — which measures Members of Congress on their support for LGBTQ equality and policies.


Pd. pol. adv. paid for in-kind by Human Rights Campaign PAC, 1640 Rhode Island Ave. NW. Approved by Andrew Gillum, Democrat, for Governor. Not authorized by any federal candidate or candidate’s committee.

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