HRC calls on Pope Francis to welcome LGBTI people back to Catholic Church
Pope Francis is beginning his long-awaited visit to the United States next week and the Human Rights Campaign will be trying to get his attention.
In anticipation of the Pope’s visit, HRC on Wednesday (15 September) released polling data showing that Catholic voters in the U.S. are more supportive of LGBTI equality than the nation’s voters as a whole.
HRC also wants to draw attention to the discrimination being faced by LGBTI Catholics in the US. They will hang a banner on its Washington headquarters that is within view of the Cathedral of St. Matthew where Francis will pray with Bishops next week.
The banner reads: ‘We Are Your Children, Your Teachers, Your Faithful. Welcomed by God. Dismissed By Our Bishops. Pope Francis, Will You Welcome Us Home?’
HRC President Chad Griffin points out that many in the LGBTI community are being fired from their jobs at Catholic schools and being shunned by their church communities.
‘ … While we join in welcoming the Pope to the United States, we will also be urging him to continue to move toward greater acceptance and embrace of members of our community who are longing to hear that their Church welcomes them – and their families–fully. We are all God’s children,’ Griffin states.
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Greg Hernandez
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