HRC Board Member Joins U.S. Senator and Equality Leaders In Asheville For An LGBTQ Discussion

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HRC Board Member Joins U.S. Senator and Equality Leaders In Asheville For An LGBTQ Discussion

Pictured above: From the left: HRC Board Member Tina Madison White, Jasmine Beach Ferrara (Center), U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar (2nd from Right), and ENC Executive Director and State Representative Chris Sgro (Right).

Earlier this week, HRC Board Member Tina Madison White joined U.S. Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and local community leaders in Asheville to discuss the ongoing fight for LGBTQ equality in North Carolina, the impact of HB2, and the importance of voting for pro-equality candidates down the ballot on Nov. 8.

Dozens of attendees were present to join the conversation on the current state of North Carolina’s LGBTQ community and what’s at stake in the upcoming November elections. White, an author and transgender advocate, was also joined by Equality NC Executive Director and state Rep. Chris Sgro, Buncombe County Commissioner-elect Jasmine Beach-Ferrara and Asheville Mayor Esther Elizabeth Manheimer.  

Leaders discussed the negative impact HB2 has had on LGBTQ North Carolinians and the state’s economy and how voters could change this by voting for pro-equality candidates in November.

“Governor Pat McCrory is right about one thing: women do need protection,” White said. “But HB2 makes them less safe…The most pressing issue for LGBTQ people in Western North Carolina are jobs and homelessness. HB2 continues to cause millions in economic losses for North Carolina, loss of jobs and opportunities for North Carolinians.”  

Nearly 70 percent of North Carolina voters support the repeal of HB2. Moreover, North Carolina is home to an LGBTQ voting population of more than 331,000; a powerful voting block that can substantially impact North Carolina elections. With Hillary Clinton leading Donald Trump 46 to 44% and Roy Cooper leading Pat McCrory 48 to 44% in the North Carolina governor’s race, the mobilization of pro-equality voters will be critical to repealing HB2 and electing pro-equality leaders down the ballot.

Calling for the full repeal of HB2, better leadership in Raleigh, and the election of presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, Sen. Klobuchar and other equality leaders encouraged voters to get engaged with local efforts to elect pro-equality candidates and take advantage of early voting, which begins Oct. 20.

HRC staff and volunteers have been on the ground mobilizing pro-equality voters to the polls to elect leadership that will stand up for all North Carolinians. If you live in Charlotte or the Triangle area of North Carolina, join HRC’s efforts to repeal HB2 and #turnOut the vote in November. Click here to sign-up to volunteer at our Charlotte or Raleigh offices.

This November, HRC is working to #turnOUT the vote across the country, including the growing and highly engaged LGBTQ community. Today, there are an estimated 331,412 LGBTQ adults living in North Carolina — a substantial population given that the state was won in the last three presidential elections by an average of 180,500 votes. The LGBTQ voting bloc in North Carolina will play a pivotal role in the presidential, gubernatorial and other down-ballot races. If you have questions about HRC’s work in North Carolina to #turnOUT voters or would like to join us, please contact HRC Associate Regional Field Director at [email protected].

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