How much do you know about “The Bed,” the first non-adult American film to feature full nudity?
Filmed in 1967 during the “Summer of Love,” James Broughton’s The Bed was the first American film to ever feature full nudity in a non-pornographic context.
The 20-minute short — which revolves around a creaky metal bed that magically racks up a multitude of inhabitants as it rolls down a hill — is a must-see underground film that’s managed to become more curious with age.
Through February 28, you can watch the frolicsome film for free HERE, and participate in a Valentine’s Day promotion by answering one of two questions:
1.) How many of the famous people in Broughton’s small masterpiece can you name, and why do they matter to you? (Hint: all are mentioned in his newly re-published memoir, Coming Unbuttoned, and almost all in Big Joy: The Adventures of James Broughton, the award-winning feature-length documentary.)
OR 2.) What people would you choose to be in The Bed if it were yours to share? They can be living, fictitious, or from history (including your own).
Winners will be judged based on content and creativity, and prizes include a DVD of Big Joy, a copy of Broughton’s memoir Coming Unbuttoned, and more.
Find out more info about the contest HERE.
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