House Intel Committee Releases Fresh Impeachment Evidence Ahead of Vote Moving Articles to Senate

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House Intel Committee Releases Fresh Impeachment Evidence Ahead of Vote Moving Articles to Senate

The House Intelligence Committee has released new evidence in the impeachment inquiry against Donald Trump ahead of a House vote that would move the articles of impeachment to the Senate for a trial.

McConnell says the Senate shouldn’t hear witnesses or see documents, as if it’s not a trial, only an appeal.

But the trial has yet to begin:

These new materials show exactly why we need a fair trial — with documents and witnesses.

Not a coverup by the President and his men.

— Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) January 15, 2020

There can be no full & fair trial in the Senate if Leader McConnell blocks the Senate from hearing witnesses and obtaining documents President Trump is covering up. #DefendOurDemocracy

— Nancy Pelosi (@SpeakerPelosi) January 15, 2020

Politico reports: “The material released on Tuesday contains several handwritten notes, emails, encrypted messages, and other documents that underscore the close relationship between Parnas and Giuliani, who was actively pursuing an effort last year to push the Ukrainian government to announce investigations targeting Trump’s political rivals. The documents also complicate one of Trump’s oft-stated defenses of his actions toward Ukraine.”

The NYT adds: “Senior Democrats who led the House impeachment inquiry said the new records underscored the need for senators to demand additional evidence at trial. The new documents, they said in a statement, ‘demonstrate that there is more evidence relevant to the president’s scheme, but they have been concealed by the president himself.’  ‘There cannot be a full and fair trial in the Senate without the documents that President Trump is refusing to provide to Congress,’ they said. Ms. Pelosi said she would announce the names of her impeachment managers at 10 a.m. Wednesday, and a vote to formally name them and send the articles was scheduled for early afternoon. ‘The American people deserve the truth, and the Constitution demands a trial,’ she said.”

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Fresh Impeachment Evidence Released Ahead of Vote Moving Articles to Senate

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