Hogwarts – Whoa!

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Hogwarts – Whoa!

Cormack Owle posted a photo:

Hogwarts - Whoa!

High above the ground, Corry hovered midair on his broom as he guarded Gryffindor’s goalposts. Before him both Ravenclaw and Gryffindor quidditch teams were racing around the field. It was their annual Inter-House Quidditch Cup match!
At the moment the Quaffle was on the opposite side of the field as the Chasers fought for possession of the ball. However that didn’t mean Corry could start slacking. After all the Quaffle could just as easily end up on his side of the field in no time, and there were also Bludgers to keep an eye on as well.
At the thunderous announcement, the crowd suddenly started screaming excitedly as all eyes shifted towards Corry! Confused, Corry started glancing around wildly to see where everyone was looking at only to suddenly jerk backwards on his broom! The Snitch zoomed right past his face and was immediately followed by Vin!
“Whoa!” Corry exclaimed as his partner deftly maneuvered around him in the air as he fiercely chased after the golden, winged ball. Though hot on his tail was a Bludger! Unable to help himself Corry called out to his partner, “Look out!”
Having heard him, Vin smirked but kept his eye on the prize! Oh, he knew the Bludger was right there! He needed to catch the Snitch and end this quickly; especially since the Bludger could deviate and go after Corry instead!
And sure enough it was only moments later that the crowd roared and the announcement came: “THE GOLDEN SNITCH HAS BEEN CAUGHT BY THE RAVENCLAW SEEKER! RAVENCLAW WINS!”
Immediately the Bludger was frozen in place and Vin steadily came to a halt as he clenched the Snitch in his fist. He turned in place and flashed a grin at Corry who was groaning at his team’s loss. However Corry glanced towards Vin and couldn’t help but smile at him.
“Great catch, Baby!”
Vin’s grin broadened as he watched Corry fly past with that handsome smile of his. He was so happy that they never let Quidditch come between them. As Corry went to go shake hands with the Ravenclaw captain, Vin was suddenly distracted as the rest of his team came racing over to celebrate and exclaim about his exciting catch! Ah, this day was just exhilarating and fantastic!


Thanks to my husband Vin for indulging me and posing as my Ravenclaw and creating the poses!
Be on the lookout for more Hogwarts-inspired pictures!

Hogwarts - Whoa!

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