Hillary Clinton Uses Republican Leaders to Blast Trump Racism in New Ad: WATCH

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Hillary Clinton Uses Republican Leaders to Blast Trump Racism in New Ad: WATCH

Donald Trump racism

Hillary Clinton’s campaign is using Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Newt Gingrich, Ana Navarro, and Senator Bob Corker in a new ad blasting Trump’s racist remarks about Judge Gonzalo Curiel, who is presiding over fraud lawsuits against Trump University.

The WSJ reported:

In an interview, Mr. Trump said U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel had “an absolute conflict” in presiding over the litigation given that he was “of Mexican heritage” and a member of a Latino lawyers’ association. Mr. Trump said the background of the judge, who was born in Indiana to Mexican immigrants, was relevant because of his campaign stance against illegal immigration and his pledge to seal the southern U.S. border. “I’m building a wall. It’s an inherent conflict of interest,” Mr. Trump said.


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