Hillary Clinton to gay teen unsure of his future: ‘Your future will be amazing’
Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s encouraging words to a gay teen on Facebook has gone viral since it was posted on Friday.
Photographer Brandon Stanton posted a photograph of a young unnamed male teenager to his wildly popular Humans of New York Facebook page which has over 13 million likes.
The teen was quoted as saying, ‘I’m a homosexual and I’m afraid about what my future will be and that people won’t like me.’
The post has garnered over 350,000 likes and 30,000 shares.
Using her official Clinton campaign account, the former US Secretary of State posted her comment which read, ‘Prediction from a grown-up: Your future is going to be amazing. You will surprise yourself with what you’re capable of and the incredible things you go on to do. Find the people who love and believe in you – there will be lots of them. –H’
The message was signed ‘-H’ to indicate that she had written the post herself.
Her comment along with the original post was also shared on Twitter by Kristina Schake, deputy communications director for the Hillary for America campaign.
The post of the gay teen was reportedly removed by Facebook, according to Jezebel.com.
Stanton reportedly posted a message saying his privileges to upload photos to the page were temporarily removed.
‘Seems that Facebook removed the young man’s brave statement and is now preventing me from uploading any further photos. I’m hoping it was a mistake. It is currently still on Instagram and I’m trying to figure out how to get it back up,’ he said.
The post Hillary Clinton to gay teen unsure of his future: ‘Your future will be amazing’ appeared first on Gay Star News.
Sylvia Tan
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