Hillary Clinton thinks Kim Davis got exactly what she deserved when she was sent to jail

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Hillary Clinton thinks Kim Davis got exactly what she deserved when she was sent to jail

Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton finally got a Kim Davis question.

During a campaign event Iowa, Clinton was asked: ‘What would you do about somebody if they were to do something like Kim Davis did recently?’

The former Secretary of State replied that she had no problem with the Rowan County Clerk being jailed for six days last month for defying a federal judge’s order that she provide marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

‘I think what happened to Kim Davis was the right thing,’ Clinton said at Cornell College in Mount Vernon.

‘She violated the law, and therefore she was arrested. I actually think that she was treated as she should have been treated … When you take an oath to uphold the constitution of the United States, that is your job … You either enforce the law or you resign from your public position.’

Davis stopped issuing licenses to any couplesgay or straight – after the US Supreme Court made same-sex marriage legal in all 50 US states.

Republican presidential hopefuls Mike Huckabee and US Senator Ted Cruz have supported Davis publicly. Huckabee, the former governor of Arkansas, organized a rally outside the Kentucky jail when Davis was released and Cruz was present but kept off the stage by a Huckabee aide.

H/T: The Washington Post

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Greg Hernandez


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