Hillary Clinton Highlights Mike Pence’s Anti-LGBT Past in New Video – WATCH 

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Hillary Clinton Highlights Mike Pence’s Anti-LGBT Past in New Video – WATCH 

hillary mike pence LGBT

In a new video released on Instagram on Friday, Hillary Clinton takes aim at Trump’s running mate, Indiana Governor Mike Pence, and his history of opposing LGBT rights.

Pence was behind Indiana’s disastrous Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), which allowed business to discriminate against people under the guise of so-called ‘religious liberty.’ The bill caused a national firestorm and ended up costing the state $60 million.

“Think Donald Trump is divisive?” the video’s title cards ask before adding, “Meet his running mate, Mike Pence. As governor, Pence was willing to shut down Indiana’s economy to allow discrimination against LGBT people.”

Watch the video, below.

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