Hey, Kids, Watch Your Favorite YouTube Stars Glam It Up As They Sing About PrEP

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Hey, Kids, Watch Your Favorite YouTube Stars Glam It Up As They Sing About PrEP


Looks like PrEP is going to continue to be a major component of gay culture, judging by a new campaign called “HIV BEATS.” A variety of YouTubers have teamed up to produce some lively videos about avoiding HIV and taking Truvada.

The campaign is the work of various organizations, from #endHIV to Greater Than AIDS to YouTube itself. Gilead, which owns Truvada, paid for production, though they say there was no input into the content of the videos.

And, hey, the videos are actually pretty fun.

There’s “15 Ways You Cannot Get HIV” with Todrick Hall…

Bob the Drag Queen chimes in with a song about taking PrEP…

Davey Wavey’s there, too, naturally, highlighting his commitment to health and the ongoing transition from twink to dad…

Zachary Drucker she has some comments about condoms and pharmaceuticals and whatnot…

And then there’s Catrific, who would like to inform you about antiretrovirals and HIV tests…

It’s all fairly fun and delightful and upbeat–a handy reminder that we can all chip in to put an end to AIDS. The videos do not mention that condoms and PrEP can’t protect you against herpes or pubic lice or e. coli and other STIs, but good luck getting a grant for YouTube celebrities to sing about that.


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