Here's What It's Like To Be Somebody Who Hates Everyone And Everything

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Here's What It's Like To Be Somebody Who Hates Everyone And Everything

Life can be hard where you hate everyone and everything.


In this hilarious episode of “The Disgustings,” our familiar protagonists(?) take it upon themselves to ambush people on their first dates and tell people how insufferably they are acting.


“The Disgustings” stars well-known comedian Drew Droege and is written, directed and co-stars Jordan Firstman. The different installments follow two jaded gay men dealing with their day to day lives and the struggle of living in Los Angeles.  


“In the two years since we have seen these characters, it may look like nothing has changed,” Firstman told The Huffington Post. “But a lot has changed, and now they are even more confident about their identity that they are seeking out prey for their own enjoyment instead of just enjoying ripping apart what is in front of them. Its a little existential, huh? They used to just live to destroy the moment, and now they are seeking out moments to destroy. I think a lot of people will watch and agree that these dates are annoying, talking about schools, workout dates, selfies on a first date. And they are. But when I see dates happening, they are never sitting there talking shit on other dates. The only people talking talking shit are the people who aren’t dating at all. So the point is this: get out there and be the date that everyone makes fun of!”


This episode of “The Disgustings” was a collaboration between Gawker and Hulu’s original series “Difficult People.”


Missed “The Disgustings” in the past? Head here.


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