Help HRC Stop HB3859 in Texas

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Help HRC Stop HB3859 in Texas

TAKE ACTION: Send a message to your legislators today!

The wholesale discrimination being launched against LGBTQ Texans is getting noticed across the country:

“TX Bill Would Let Adoption Agencies Reject Families on Religious Grounds.”
-New York Times

“It’s an all out Assault on LGBT People.”
-USA Today

With just days left in this year’s legislative session, extremist members of the Texas legislature are not giving up their attacks on LGBTQ Texans and their families. We are under attack from all sides, and we need you to stand with us to stop Texas from becoming the shame of our nation. 

While there are many legislative assaults against LGBTQ Texans and their families, HB3859 is one of the worst of them and it’s only one step away from going to the Governor’s desk for signature and becoming law. That’s why we need you NOW. Send a message to your State Senator right now opposing HB3859 and send this to others.

This bill wouldn’t just allow adoption & foster care agencies to turn away LGBTQ families. It gives a broad ability to anyone providing service to a child in foster care to deny them. That means doctors could deny hormone therapy to a transgender child, or a foster parent could subject their LGBTQ child to “conversion therapy” by claiming they are simply expressing their religious beliefs.

The National Hispanic Leadership Agenda, a coalition of 45 leading Latino advocacy organizations issued a statement opposing this bill.  “Punishing children in need of families in the name of the politics of exclusion is immoral and inhumane,” said Thomas Saenz, President of the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund, MALDEF.

Our nation’s leading child welfare organizations including The Child Welfare League of America, The Donaldson Adoption Institute, North American Council on Adoptable Children and Voice for Adoption signed a letter stating that HB3859 would “significantly limit the opportunities for the more than 12,000 Texas children waiting in foster care” and would “sanction discrimination against prospective adoptive or foster parents.”  

That’s why we need you. Send a message to your State Senator right now opposing HB3859. All eyes are on Texas right now, and we have to stand up for LGBTQ children and families. And HB3859 isn’t all – every single day a small group of extreme legislators are trying to add discriminatory language to bills.’’

Let’s keep fighting this together, Friend. There are less than two weeks left in session. Let’s show everyone that Texas doesn’t discriminate.

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