Group Claims Christians Will Be ‘Carted Off to Jail’ in Pathetic, Last Ditch Attempt to Reverse Gay Marriage Ruling 

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Group Claims Christians Will Be ‘Carted Off to Jail’ in Pathetic, Last Ditch Attempt to Reverse Gay Marriage Ruling 


Right-wing loon Janet Porter, the Faith2Action founder who was utterly convinced she could “pray away” the Supreme Court’s ruling on same-sex marriage, is apparently tired of holding her hands together and will now try something less batty but only has a slightly more realistic chance of succeeded in stopping the gays from marrying.

Right Wing Watch reports that Porter is currently leading an effort to pressure Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine “to file a Motion to Rehear Obergefell v. Hodges” with the Supreme Court – this time without the participation of Justices Elena Kagan and Ruth Bader Ginsburg, whom Porter says must recuse themselves because they’ve both presided over same-sex marriages.

Tomorrow is the last day to file such a motion and as Porter has yet to hear word back from God or DeWine that either plans on intervening, she has now begun ramping up the fear-mongering. In an email sent out today, Porter warns that should the gay marriage decision stay in place, Christians will soon be “carted off to jail.”


Sorry Janet, no one will be carting you off to any jail anytime soon. A mental hospital perhaps..but no jail.


The post Group Claims Christians Will Be ‘Carted Off to Jail’ in Pathetic, Last Ditch Attempt to Reverse Gay Marriage Ruling  appeared first on Towleroad.

Kyler Geoffroy

Group Claims Christians Will Be ‘Carted Off to Jail’ in Pathetic, Last Ditch Attempt to Reverse Gay Marriage Ruling 

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