Great News! Your Apple Watch Can Now Get You Laid
The new Apple Watch promises to do a lot of pretty cool things in addition to telling you the time. It can check the weather, email, your pulse, etc.
Thanks to the gay dating app Jack’d, it can also help also help you locate something likely to really get your heart racing: your next sex partner.
In an email to Queerty, the folks over at Online Buddies, the company that owns Jack’d, Manhunt, and Dandy, announced that they’ve been working with Apple developers to make Jack’d the first gay dating app available on the Apple Watch.
Related: Hookd Plus Six Other Dating Apps You Probably Don’t Know But Should
Sorry, kids. You’ll have to wait just a bit. Jack’d for Apple Watch will be released later this year and promises features like proximity matching.
We can’t help but wonder if Tim Cook is going to give it a personal test drive
Related: If Guys Acted In Real Life The Way They Do On Gay Apps
Graham Gremore
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