Grand Jury: No Indictment of Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson in the Shooting Death of Michael Brown
A grand jury has decided not to indict Darren Wilson, the Ferguson police officer who shot and killed Michael Brown back on August 9.
Earlier today, CNN reported on what would happen to Wilson should the jury not move forward with indictment charges:
If the grand jury clears him of wrongdoing and Wilson wants to remain on the job, he could put up a fight. The police union would back him, said Paul Callan, a CNN legal analyst and former New York prosecutor.
“In the end, he has certain due process rights under Missouri law, and they can’t just summarily fire him because he’s unpopular,” Callan said. “They will have to prove that he violated some aspect of his employment contract as a police officer, or civil service regulations. Otherwise, he will have a very good lawsuit.”
Still, most people believe Wilson will never again wear a badge.
“If I’m the mayor of Ferguson, believe me, you would want that cop out because you know that he will be controversial,” Callan said. “He will be distrusted by the citizenry and maybe subjected to abuse when he’s out on the street. It’s just going to be nothing but trouble. They’re going to find a way to get him out. They may try to buy him out.”
Watch live feed of MSNBC’s coverage of the news, AFTER THE JUMP…
Kyler Geoffroy
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