Graham Norton Believes It’s Easier To Find Love If You’re Straight

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Graham Norton Believes It’s Easier To Find Love If You’re Straight

p_graham-norton_1734883cI have a theory. I think there’s something about having a male partner that makes it more difficult. This will sound sexist but that doesn’t mean it’s any less true. If I were a straight man, my female partner would have a role in the eyes of society. She would be the mother of my children, my hostess, the person on my arm at red carpet events. She would have a defined function. But that’s not the case if your partner is male. Every man – no matter how young or fey – has something of the alpha in him. So all the things they thought they’d enjoy about going out with me become loathsome in the end because they haven’t earned it for themselves. Increasingly, that puts a strain on the relationship.”


Comic/talk show host Graham Norton, who might need to begin dating more secure guys, discussing his personal life with U.K.’s Mirror

Jeremy Kinser

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