Goodyear Mechanic Slaps “UR GAY” Sticker On Woman’s Windshield

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Goodyear Mechanic Slaps “UR GAY” Sticker On Woman’s Windshield

Screen shot 2015-07-16 at 9.57.04 AMWhen Anita Carrillo pulled into her local Goodyear Auto Service Center in Beaumont, TX for a routine oil change, she found herself on the receiving end of a really dumb prank.

The sticker placed in the top left corner of her windshield to remind her when to have her oil changed again had an extra message: “UR GAY,” Carillo said.

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“My shirt that I had on was multicolored, maybe he thought I was trying to represent gay pride or something,” Carillo, befuddled, told her local news station. “I have no clue.”

Carrillo says she was more confused by the sticker than upset, and she felt it was unprofessional, so she contacted the service center’s manager.

“He didn’t really apologize for it,” she explained. “He just kind of made an excuse for it.”

Unhappy with the manager’s response, Carrillo took to social media. She posted a picture of the sticker on Facebook. The picture quickly went viral, eventually attracting the attention of Goodyear’s corporate headquarters.

“I got speak to a higher-up manager and he really apologized and he was like this shouldn’t have happened and he took action,” Carrillo said.

The manager who initially blew her offer then refunded Carrillo for the oil change and gave her a new sticker sans the “UR GAY” messaging. The manager also told her the mechanic responsible for the offensive sticker had been let go.

Carrillo says she’s not holding any grudges, but she hopes her ordeal encourages other businesses to remember to treat all customers with respect.

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Graham Gremore

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