GLAAD partners with MTV to launch Elect This

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GLAAD partners with MTV to launch Elect This


Yesterday, MTV launched Elect This, a campaign to help its audience connect with the issues that matter to them in an election season dominated by personalities over policy, and scandal over substance. The interactive sites breaks down various issues facing our nation, telling its audience what the issue is, what they need to know and why they should care. In addition to education, the site also provides opportunities for readers to get involved through a number of petitions, social media campaigns and action items. 

A new, national study conducted by MTV found that while an overwhelming 92 percent of Millennials ages 18-34 agree “this election is like a bad reality show” and 74 percent are embarrassed by the current cycle, an even greater 93 percent see through the chaos and agree “this election should be about issues.” Through its original content that satirizes the punditry and illuminates the truth behind the talking points, “Elect This” hopes to drive young voters to be more informed and take action on the topics that matter to them.

GLAAD teamed up with MTV to help educate people on the issues facing the LGBT community this election. The voices of LGBT and allied voters are vital to accelerating acceptance in the U.S., and thought marriage equality was achieved in June of 2015, this election will still decide the fate of many other pressing issues in the LGBT community.

In many states, it is still legal to discriminate against someone based on their sexual orientation or gender identity and many legally married same-sex couples are still met with obstacle when trying to adopt a child, receive familial leave and more.

This is especially true for the U.S. South, where many states legislatures have considered and passed so-called “bathroom-bills” that ban transgender people from the restroom that corresponds to their gender identity.

The site also directs reader to a petition GLAAD launched  with South Carolina transgender activist Blair Durkee. Durkee calls upon Senator Lee Bright of South Carolina and any supporters of anti-LGBT legislation to meet with transgender people — the people these laws target.

Movements like these are exactly what GLAAD and Elect This are trying to encourage young voters to become a part of. Earlier this year, GLAAD launched a resource for voters and journalists on LGBT issues in the election and how to accurately report on said issues. It is crucial that the voices of LGBT voters are heard in this election in order to further an upward path towards acceptance and equality.

To take action now, you can educate yourself about the LGBT issues in this election, learn what laws your state has in place and learn how to be a better ally to transgender people.

June 2, 2016

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