Get more out of Skype Interviews with the new shared whiteboard
One of the unique features of Skype Interviews is the real-time code editor, which allows the interviewer to assess a candidate’s ability to code without the use of any third-party applications—dramatically improving their shared coding experience. As a direct result of your feedback, we’ve added a digital whiteboard that allows the interviewer and candidate to illustrate diagrams, visualize problems, and showcase scenarios.
Now when you launch Skype Interviews, the whiteboard icon will light up in the sidebar. Simply click it to display the wide range of editor tools that are available. The whiteboard displays the cursor movements of both participants, allowing you to follow each other’s train of thought much better.
Whiteboard editor tools
The digital whiteboard offers a wide range of tools you can use to sketch out complex scenarios, showcase flows, and save the final whiteboard so you can access it again. Here are just a few tools you will see when you launch the whiteboard:
Pencil tool—Use the pencil to sketch out a more complex scenario or setting. You can change the stroke width and color using the property configuration buttons in the center of the tool bar.
Shape tools—If you want to illustrate a diagram to showcase a flow in a scenario, then we’ve got you covered with our rectangle, circle, and line tools. Make sure to also label the objects using our text tool, which will allow you to freely write any text in a given area.
Archive whiteboard—At the end of the interview session, you can save a copy of the whiteboard and archive it for future reference. The saved SVG file can be opened on both Window and Mac computers.
The real-time digital whiteboard makes interviews overall a more collaborative experience—one where the participants will able to visualize their thoughts and ideas, and read back key takeaways after the fact. Our goal to make Skype Interviews the universally accepted tool for all video call interviews—regardless of distance, technical, or non-technical—pushed us to innovate further. Since Skype Interviews is still in preview, it’s critical we continue to hear from you. Your input will help shape the future of this feature. To provide feedback, go to and click Send feedback.
Start your interview today with Skype Interviews!
The post Get more out of Skype Interviews with the new shared whiteboard appeared first on Skype Blogs.
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