Gay Twitter has a lot to say about Aaron Schock’s non-apology coming out

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Gay Twitter has a lot to say about Aaron Schock’s non-apology coming out

Former GOP Congressman Aaron Schock publicly came out as gay on Thursday morning.

You can read what he had to say here.

But if you do read his lengthy coming out note, here are two words you won’t find in any tense: “apology” and “sorry.”

Related: Former antigay Congressman Aaron Schock officially comes out as gay

Schock attempts to justify his former opposition to gay marriage as being a product of the times. He does not address his other past antigay positions such as voting against lifting the ban on LGB people serving in the military and voting not to extend hate crime protections to include sexual orientation and gender identity.

In fact, his time in office earned him a 0% rating on HRC’s Congressional Scorecard.

So it’s not entirely surprising that folks online aren’t taking so well to his letter. Here’s some of the reaction on Twitter:

Gay people were ruthlessly mean to Aaron Schock on social media but today he still decided to join our campaign.

— Joel Kim Booster (@ihatejoelkim) March 5, 2020

Aaron Schock self report to jail challenge.

— Joel Kim Booster (@ihatejoelkim) March 5, 2020

Fuck this moron who resigned from Congress mainly because he screwed taxpayers on his expense account, Including but not limited to re-decorating his office Downton Abbey style. So help me goddess if i see her at pride.

— Willam (@willam) March 5, 2020

Fmr GOP Rep. Aaron Schock wrote a Harry Potter length post coming out as gay and still did not apologize for his awful anti-LGBTQ record

— Adam (@AdamJSmithGA) March 5, 2020

Aaron Schock’s coming out opus just makes me sad. I’ve always been a “welcome” no matter what person, and I directly empathize with the religious rejection journey at any age, but we’ve been at this too long to not see the blatant calculations and machinations without apology.

— Emerson Collins (@ActuallyEmerson) March 5, 2020


Sorry but @aaronschock is the Uncle Tom of the gay community. He voted against federal protection of persons based on their sexuality and was a member of the GOP (until his nudes and Grindr messages were leaked almost a year ago)

He’s a thirst trap without morals.

— Ryan Smith (@Rydsmith89) March 5, 2020

I’m fully willing to forgive #AaronSchock if he spends significant time trying to change the minds, platforms, and policies of Republicans on LGBT+ rights

— Survivor of Storms (@survivorostorms) March 5, 2020

Reminder that if prosecutors hadn’t completely botched the case, Aaron Schock would likely be in prison for using your taxpayer money to pay for massages and Katy Perry tickets.

— Scott Bixby (@scottbix) March 5, 2020

Happy for Aaron Schock!!!! We needed more white gay villain representation!

— Phillip Henry (@MajorPhilebrity) March 5, 2020

I’m glad @AaronSchock finally feels free to be his authentic self publicly, which everyone deserves, but in his long coming out, I saw a lot of defensiveness and excuses for his extensive anti-LGBTQ record in Congress and missing from it were two words:

“I’m sorry.”

— Charlotte Clymer ???? (@cmclymer) March 5, 2020

Just to be clear, Aaron Schock’s greyscale instagram notes app coming-out post still does not make it okay to fuck him.

— Connor Goldsmith (@dreamoforgonon) March 5, 2020

Aaron Schock wrote a long post about him coming out as gay and how worried he was telling his family and friends and whatever, but failed to even apologize to the LGBTQ community for the hatred he displayed towards us for MANY years. So he can fuck all the way off ?????

— david (@homesweethomo) March 5, 2020

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