Gay Men's Chorus Poster Vandalized In Capitol Hill Office Building

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Gay Men's Chorus Poster Vandalized In Capitol Hill Office Building


A Gay Men’s Chorus of Washington poster was vandalized this week in the Longworth House Office Building Cafeteria on Capitol Hill – the first incident of its kind in recent memory according to Executive Director Chase Maggiano.

The poster, which advertises the group’s upcoming Holiday Concert, was vandalized with the word “Fag’s” in marker. Someone attempted to cross it out, but the slur is still visible. 

In an email to Towleroad, GMCW Director of Marketing Craig Cipollini wrote:

“We’re not sure, but it looks like it happened Tuesday evening or late Tuesday afternoon. A friend of a chorus member saw it Wednesday morning when he got to work and notified us then. The poster is still up, and we will be getting a replacement poster over there later this week. Police were not contacted, but a Chorus member who works on the Hill notified the CAO [Chief Administrative Office]”

Said Maggiano:

“Sometimes we hear stories of bullying and vandalism at the area high schools we visit, but it’s pretty surprising to see this happen on Capitol Hill. This tells us that we still have equality work to do right in our own backyard.”

Previously, “HRC Compiles ‘Hall of Shame’ List, Outs 19 Least LGBT-Friendly Members of Congress” [tlrd]

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