Gay Group Sex May Soon Be Illegal In China Thanks To This Guy
If it’s always been your dream to partake in a wild gay orgy with a gaggle of hot Chinese men, then you better book your flight to Beijing ASAP because lawmakers there are getting ready to consider a ban on group sex between men.
That’s right. Gay gang bangs may soon be illegal in the communist country of China. And all thanks to dermatologist Dr. Sun Jianfang (pictured) from the Institute of Dermatology at Peking Union Medical College.
Jianfang plans to propose the ban at the country’s upcoming annual legislative sessions. He will argue that banning gay orgies will help prevent the spread of AIDS. According to statistics, the number of HIV cases among men who have sex with men increased from 2.5 percent in 2006 to 25.1 percent in the first half of last year.
Current law criminalizes consensual group sex between three or more people, regardless of gender, so why this random dermatologist feels a new law created to explicitly criminalize gay sex is needed is unclear. But not everyone is pleased with his plan to police what they call “matters of the crotch.”
China’s leading sexologist, Li Yinhe, has been particularly outspoken about the matter.
“The crime of group sex is an outdated law, an erroneous law,” she said. “Its abolishment would not harm social customs, nor corrupt social values…It does not make sense to expand its scope to include same-sex sexual activity between multiple people.”
China’s annual legislative sessions begin March 4.
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