From #AlternativeFacts to “Ivanka’s stuff,” Kellyanne Conway’s greatest hits told in memes
For a political strategist and professional spokesperson, Kellyanne Conway has made an alarming number of embarrassing gaffes during her short tenure as Donald Trump’s counselor.
Whether it’s sharing “alternative facts,” inventing fictional terrorist attacks, or suggesting Obama installed hidden cameras in the Trump Tower microwaves, one thing is certain: Whenever Kellyanne opens her mouth, the sh*t just flies.
Let’s take a look at some of her greatest hits (so far) told entirely in memes…
First, there was her inauguration day outfit…
Who wore it better: #KellyanneConway or the #Nutcracker????
A post shared by Coco Perez (@cocoperezinsta) on
#fashionista #kellyanneconway #ivankatrump #donaldtrump #kellyanneconwaymemes ?????
A post shared by LiviLove???? (@4sweetz78) on
Then there were #alternative facts…
Fake news is the only news. It’s not new. #alternativefacts #fakenews #trump #truth #resist #resistance #resistancepdx
A post shared by Alyssa Colistro (@loneyboi_onmsdos) on
I’m Just Sayin! #fakepresident I’m back! #notapaidprotestor Your first 50 days have been filled with #alternativefacts #fakenews, outrageous lies, scandal and cover ups! It’s only a matter of time now! Did you really think, the public would disregard all the #russian connections, your administration has and continues to engage in? #democrats #newsmedia #presidentobama #wiretapping Stay on this fake president! Expose all the distractions, smoke and mirrors! #congress do your job! Our electoral process has been compromised! #indivisible #resist Separating my business from my politics is challenging! However, it’s very much necessary and needed! #tackk and #medium are the two blog platforms I’ll be using to continue my advocatecy for civil; consumer rights, protections and political correctness! To my followers on #instagram #facebook #twitter and #tumblr #thankyou for your loyalty, support, feedback, comments and engagement! Please continue to share! Personal @tyroneglover_ceo Business @leverage_cr! More great post on the way! I promise! Be safe in your travels everyone! Leverage Credit Recovery | Teaching Business Mindset for Personal Empowerment! Website: Ph: 805-428-9424 #investors #realtor #influencer #yonkers #newyork #yourbusiness Consumers, demand from your brands and services! RAISE YOUR STANDARDS! #volkswagen #vw #audi #galpinford #galpinvolkswagen Fair and honest dealing! Is this too much to ask for?
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After that came “Buy Ivanka’s stuff!”
Meet Kellyanne Conway QVC’s newest seller of Ivanka Trumps merch! #qvc #foxandfriends #kellyanneconway #ivankatrump #politicalhumor #politicalsatire #funny #lol #lmao #hilarious #silly #haha #humor #picoftheday #funnypics #sillypics
A post shared by TJ Del Reno (@tjdelreno) on
Trump and Company are BREAKING THE LAW. #KellyAnneConway #LockHerUp #ConflictOfInterest #Resist #WhiteHouseShoppingNetwork #FederalCode2635702 #Impeach
A post shared by Brendan Byrnes (@1brendanbyrnes1) on
Followed by the “Bowling Green Massacre”
Thursday Truth. #notrump #nordstroms #ethics #kellyanneconway
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#prayersforbowlinggreen #bowlinggreen #bowlinggreenmassacresurvivors #bowlinggreenmassacre #trumpfakenews #trump #nationalembarrassment #godblessamerica
A post shared by Dirt Williams (@dirtwilliams) on
Let’s not forget #sofagate…
@aciiiiddriiiips had to repost. #3some #putinontheritz #babytrump #kellyanneconway #cuntsquad #bigdaddyvladdy #politicsasusual #america #fuckyeah #sakebombs #sexytime
A post shared by Goldie ? (@the_wind_cries_goldie) on
And, most recently, the microwaves in Trump Tower…
via @christian_nightmares #obama #chemtrails #microwave #tinfoilhat #spy #trump #kellyanneconway #crazyass #wikileaks #Resist
A post shared by Boing Boing (@boingboing) on
Thank you, Kellyanne Conway #alternativefacts #fakenews #obamagate #bowlinggreenmassacre #idiocracy #wikileaks #kellyanneconway #trump #donaldtrump #trumptrainwreck #politics #fucktrump #notmypresident #funny #gop #resist #nobannowall #obama
A post shared by Dan Fortner (@talk_bernie_to_me) on
Shhhhhhhh remember how your mom taught you not to stand in front of the microwave?!?! #theyarewatching #inspectorgadget #kellyanneconway #ispythroughyourappliances
A post shared by Kitty Isensee (@thegrimsgirlfriday) on
Kellyanne, if you’re reading, keep up the good work.
Related: This guy just punk’d Kellyanne Conway so damn hard
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