Free Provincetown Art, Design Stickers: Ptown Hacks 2018
This year’s Ptown Hacks 2018, the insider’s guide to America’s top gay destination, Provincetown has something special…free Provincetown stickers. A few local artists and a few local businesses with design we admire let us create stickers with their work.
The Provincetown stickers for year 1 are above and include great work from Mark Adams, Paul Rizzo, and James Frederick. Logos from the Provincetown Business Guild, Crown & Anchor, a sample of the wallpaper in the bathrooms of Strangers & Saints and an image of the now iconic/ironic shipwreck Artemis that was around all Spring. 12 stickers in all for your enjoyment. Get them free in printed copies. Print your own. Send a SASE for a free set or buy some to help cover the cost and share with friends.
We are not printing more of ARTSTICK1, so get them while you can…and watch out for ARTSTICK2 next year!
FREE Provincetown Stickers one of 3 ways:
1 Inside print (both versions) of Ptown Hacks. In 100+ venues (restaurants, guest houses, airport, hotels, shops) in Provincetown (and a few in Boston)
2. DIY – Print your own on sticker stock, Avery or other. For Personal Use ONLY. May not be sold, bartered, or given to others. (Download Ptown Hacks with form below and print those pages)
3. Send us a Self Addressed Stamped envelope. Get a set of professionally printed stickers (12 stickers per set). Address and details in download of Ptown Hacks, form below.
OR TONS of Stickers, professionally printed for a fee (US only, sorry):
3 Sets (36 Stickers total) for $9.95
10 Sets (120 Stickers total) for $19.95
+ $2 Shipping/Handling
How many sets? |
The post Free Provincetown Art, Design Stickers: Ptown Hacks 2018 appeared first on Towleroad Gay News.
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