Fox & Friends Robots Nearly Explode Trying To Process Target’s Gender-Neutral Toys
Those ignorant scamps over at Fox and Friends are having a really hard time processing the idea of gender-neutral toy marketing. It would be sort of cute if it wasn’t so pathetic.
Target recently announced they’d stop labeling toys and bedding by gender, a move that if you’re under the age of twelve, you likely won’t even notice.
The shift comes after the company received massive criticism on social media over separate labeling for “Building Sets” and “Girls Building Sets.”
“They’re going gender neutral, whatever that is,” Fox News host Steve Doocy said to tease the segment. Is it that tough of a concept, Steve?
“Is this going to confuse you? I know it’s going to confuse me,” Alcides Segui of Fox affiliate WTVT admitted with a chuckle. “And they’re doing it not only at this store here in Tampa but all Target stores across the country.”
“Now you have to sit there and look at a blended area and wonder, ‘Is this for a boy or a girl,’” Brian Kilmeade griped. “There’s going to be some unhappy boys and unhappy girls now.”
Boys and girls encouraged to play with toys as opposed to girl toys and boy toys? God forbid!
Watch below, and if you lean in close enough you can almost smell their brains overheating while they try to compute:
h/t RawStory
Dan Tracer
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