First Gay Couple Married in Colombia: WATCH

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First Gay Couple Married in Colombia: WATCH


Same-sex marriage has begun in Colombia and Fernando Quimbayo and José Ticora were the first to marry in the country, at a city registrar in Cali. El Pais published a story on the couple, along with a video.

The Washington Blade reports:

The court in 2011 ruled that same-sex couples could register their relationships within two years if Colombian lawmakers did not extend to them the same benefits that heterosexuals receive through marriage.

Legislators subsequently defeated a same-sex marriage bill. A handful of same-sex couples have entered into so-called “solemn unions” since lawmakers since the court’s deadline passed in 2013.

Inspector General Alejandro Ordóñez Maldonado challenged the rulings that allowed them to legally register their relationships as marriages. Same-sex couples who have entered into “solemn unions” since 2013 are now considered married under Colombian law.


The post First Gay Couple Married in Colombia: WATCH appeared first on Towleroad.

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