Federal Judge Places 14-Day Stay on Ruling Striking Down Alabama Gay Marriage Ban

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Federal Judge Places 14-Day Stay on Ruling Striking Down Alabama Gay Marriage Ban

U.S. District Judge Callie V. Granade late on Sunday placed a 14-day stay on her Friday ruling striking down the state’s gay marriage ban, just hours before it went into effect, WIAT reports:

StrangeThe court’s ruling states that Attorney General Luther Strange (pictured) has not shown enough cause for an indefinite stay, but is allowing the Attorney General time to present his arguments to the Eleventh Circuit Court.

If the Eleventh Circuit Court fails to act during the 14-day delay, the order will be lifted February 9th.

The order to stay the ruling comes amid protest from the Alabama Probate Judges Association over the ruling. The Association issued a statement this weekend claiming that the federal ruling did not apply statewide but only to the plaintiffs involved in the case.

The plaintiffs asked Granade to deny the state’s request for a stay and also requested clarification as to the scope of the ruling in response to the Probate Judges Association.

Stay tuned for continuing developments in the case…

Read the order below:

#59 Stay Order on Scribd”>1:14-cv-00208 #59 Stay Order by Equality Case Files

Andy Towle


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