Fake Ryan Gosling Accepts Award in Elaborate Prank as Nicole Kidman, Colin Farrell, Jane Fonda Look On: WATCH
A pair of German comedians successfully pranked a high-profile German awards show, sending a fake Ryan Gosling to pick up an award for La La Land, according to The Hollywood Reporter:
In the latest award season mishap for La La Land, a German awards show, on live TV, gave a trophy to a Ryan Gosling impersonator. The Goldene Kamera awards, one of Germany’s most prestigious award galas, thought they had the Oscar-nominated star on hand to accept the prize for best international film on behalf of La La Land.
Instead, they gave the prize to Ludwig Lehner, a Ryan Gosling double. The mixup was all an elaborate prank orchestrated by German comedians Joko Winterscheidt and Klaas Heufer-Umlauf, who fooled the Goldene Kamera organizers into inviting the fake Gosling.
The comedians had set up a fake PR agency and convinced the show’s organizers that Gosling was shooting nearby and would like to attend the show:
Goldene Kamera was apparently so eager to get Gosling on their show, they agreed to a series of demands — that Gosling would not walk the red carpet or meet with the show’s host before hand, that he would be surrounded by private security at all times and that the show would not announce his participation before the live broadcast.
Colin Farrell, Jane Fonda, and Nicole Kidman were among the celebs in attendance and looked amused, if not confused, as the prank took place.
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