Even Hillary Clinton Gets Distracted By Hot, Shirtless Men

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Even Hillary Clinton Gets Distracted By Hot, Shirtless Men


At a campaign rally in Buena Park, California earlier today, Hillary Clinton got a little, ahem, hot and bothered when two young gentlemen unexpectedly took off their shirts for her. One of them had a giant “H” scribbled across his chest.

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As soon as security noticed the men, they began escorting them out of the room. That’s when one of the guys yelled, “Hillary, they’re kicking us out because we don’t have our shirts on!”

“They’re making us leave,” the other chimed in.

“Because we don’t have shirts on!” the first man added.

And that’s when Mrs. Clinton told secret service to let the two stay. Under one condition.

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“Well, um, you know what, as long as they don’t take anything else off,” she said from the podium.

Then, never missing an opportunity to remind folks just how ready she is to be commander-in-chief, she added, “You know, you gotta make split decisions. That’s what leadership is about.”

She continued: “OK, where was I? I gotta admit, it is a little distracting standing up here looking at them. So I’m gonna look over this way, and I’m gonna look over that way. I’m gonna look back there.”

Future female presidents. They’re just like us.

Related: Hillary Clinton Shatters Rand Paul’s Homophobic Employment Policy With Single Tweet

h/t: Politico


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