Evan Rachel Wood has this important message about bisexuality: ‘We do exist’

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Evan Rachel Wood has this important message about bisexuality: ‘We do exist’

Evan Rachel Wood last week shared a powerful message about her bisexuality ahead of Bisexual Awareness Week, which began on 20 September.

The Emmy-nominated actress had been in two public relationships with men, Marilyn Manson and Jamie Bell, but came out as bisexual in 2012.

I myself am bisexual and have always “joked” about miley giving me gay vibes. Not a bad thing! Just an observation.

#EvanRachelWould (@evanrachelwood) August 24, 2012

‘Actually I am divorced with a son and no matter who I am with I am #stillbisexual,’ she wrote on Twitter.

Remember, bisexuality doesn’t mean halfway between gay or straight.
It is its own identity.

#EvanRachelWould (@evanrachelwood) September 17, 2015

Wood went on to recount her own struggles with her sexuality and the feelings of shames after coming out as bisexual.

Bisexual people are the largest single group within the LGBT community, yet we are hardly recognized.

#EvanRachelWould (@evanrachelwood) September 17, 2015

‘I think in some cases people don’t want to be labeled because they are ashamed to be bisexual.
And this needs to stop,’ she wrote.

‘I have battled with myself most of my life because I wasn’t gay or straight enough. I used to think I would never be happy.

‘I had to go through the same panic and shame and depression a lot of people in the LGBT community go through but when I came out a new found shame took over. Bi-shame. Feeling like people are judging you all over again but for different reasons.

‘A weight was lifted but not completely. I still feel like we have to constantly prove ourselves & our worthiness within the community.

Wood ended with this powerful message:

Point being, its ok. We do exist.
Don’t let anyone make you feel unworthy.
No one knows your journey but you.

#EvanRachelWould (@evanrachelwood) September 17, 2015

The post Evan Rachel Wood has this important message about bisexuality: ‘We do exist’ appeared first on Gay Star News.

Darren Wee


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